MPs' salaries and pensions

From the beginning of the 2023​–2026 election term Members of Parliament are paid a salary of 7,137 euros a month, with the figure rising to 7,494 after 4 years of service, and to 7,993 euros after 12 years of service. The Speaker receives 14,448 euros and the Deputy Speakers 11,266 euros a month. MPs' pay is taxable income. A three-person remuneration committee appointed by the Speakers decides on MPs' pay.

Supplement for chairs

In addition to their salary as MPs, committee chairs receive a monthly supplement of 803 euros. The figure for the chairs of the Grand Committee, the Constitutional Law Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee,  the Finance Committee and the Audit Committee is 1,323 euros. Within the Finance Committee the chair of the Tax Sub-committee receives a monthly supplement of 803 euros and the other subcommittee chairs receive 530 euros.

Parliamentary group chairs receive a monthly supplement of 1,323 euros if the group has 16 or more members and 803 euros if it has 3–​​15 members. No supplement is paid if a group has only one or two members.

Separate remuneration is not paid for attending committee meetings, nor do evening and weekend sessions increase MP´s earnings.

In addition to their salary as MPs, committee chairs receive a monthly supplement of 803 euros. The figure for the chairs of the Grand Committee, the Constitutional Law Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee,  the Finance Committee and the Audit Committee is 1,323 euros. Within the Finance Committee the chair of the Tax Sub-committee receives a monthly supplement of 803 euros and the other subcommittee chairs receive 530 euros.​​

Compensation for expenses

In addition to salary, MPs receive compensation for expenses ranging from 987 to 1,809 euros a month, depending on where they live and whether they have a second home in the Helsinki metropolitan area. 


MPs are entitled to travel free of charge by rail, scheduled flight and coach in Finland and by taxi in the Helsinki metropolitan area for purposes related to legislative work.

The Remuneration Committee sets the pay of MPs

The chair and two members of the Remuneration Committee, none of whom may be an MP or a parliamentary civil servant, are elected for a four-year term by the Speakers of Parliament.

The chair convenes the Committee, which is quorate when all of its members are present. The Speakers may issue supplementary orders concerning the actions of the Committee.

The Speakers of Parliament have appointed a Remuneration Committee for the period 1 Jan 2025 – 31 Dec 2028. It is chaired by Timo Laitinen and the members are Tuire Santamäki-Vuori and Pekka Vihervuori. The Remuneration Committee appointed Erkki Kurikka as its secretary.​