Other organs

The Eduskunta selects Representatives to serve on bodies operating in both national and international contexts. The Eduskunta’s own bodies are generally constituted during the first annual session of a new four-year parliamentary term and serve until the end of the term. Seats are allocated in proportion to the relative sizes of parliamentary groups.

The Bank of Finland operates under the guarantee and care of the Eduskunta in the manner stipulated in law. The Eduskunta electes the Parliamentary Supervisory Council, which oversees the operations of the Bank. The Council has the right to receive the information it needs to oversee the Bank’s operations and also appoints its auditors.

The Eduskunta oversees the operations of the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) and the Social Insurance Institution (SII). It appoints the Administrative Council of YLE and chooses the Parliamentary Trustees, who oversee the administration and operations of the SII. The parliamentarians likewise choose the Board of the Library of the Eduskunta and the Parliamentary Auditors.

The five members of the High Court of Impeachment, who serve for four-year terms, are elected by the Eduskunta from among its own number.

The memberships of some bodies appointed by the Eduskunta may include both parliamentarians and outside experts in the fields in question.