Development of genetic engineering in different areas of application 2018–2020

Linturi, Risto: Development of genetic engineering in different areas of application 2018–2020. Helsinki, Committee for the Future, 2020. 26 s. Publication of the committee for the future 3/2020.

​This report has been prepared for the Finnish Parliament’s Committee for the Future. It identifies the key areas of genetic engineering and the areas of application related to it. It also briefly describes recent breakthroughs noted by Tulevaisuusvaliokunnan radikaalit teknologiat -joukkoistus (Radical technologies crowdsourcing group of the Committee for the Future) since the publication of the report ‘Societal transformation 2018–2037: 100 anticipated radical technologies, 20 regimes, case Finland’. The report starts with the summary and conclusions, which are explained in more concrete terms in the following chapters, along with their background. First, technological advancement is described separately for each technology, after which the significance of the technologies for key areas of application is examined.

The aim of this text is not to replace but to supplement the reports ‘Societal transformation 2018–2037: 100 anticipated radical technologies, 20 regimes, case Finland’ (1/2018) and ‘Geeniteknologia’ (Genetic engineering, 2/2018) by the Committee for the Future. However, the text has been written so as to be readable independently of the aforementioned, particularly if the reader is familiar with the subject matter. Developments prior to 2018 will not be examined here; where they are concerned, this report refers to the observations made in the 1/2018 report.

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Julkaistu 14.10.2020 14.10
Muokattu 13.11.2020 12.43