Societal transformation 2018–2037 : 100 anticipated radical technologies, 20 regimes, case Finland

Linturi, Risto & Kuusi, Osmo: Societal transformation 2018–2037 : 100 anticipated radical technologies, 20 regimes, case Finland. Helsinki, Parliament of Finland, Committee for the Future, 2019. 485 s. Publication of the Committee for the Future 10/2018.

​You are holding in your hands perhaps the most important book ever written about radical technologies. In addition to wanting to identify the 100 most promising technologies as a result of this report, we also wanted to identify 100 legislative objectives with which the adoption of technologies can be streamlined.

Furthermore, we wanted to identify 100 new professions of the future in order to be able to prepare for upcoming challenges with the right knowledge and skills. We managed to exceed this goal and identified 200 professions. The legislative objectives and professions are listed under each value-producing network in both the actual research report and the statement prepared by the Committee.​

Teos verkkojulkaisuna: Societal transformation 2018–2037 : 100 anticipated radical technologies, 20 regimes, case Finland (pdf)

Tutustu myös: Suomen sata uutta mahdollisuutta 2018–2037 : yhteiskunnan toimintamallit uudistava radikaali teknologia (pdf)

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Muokattu 9.7.2020 14.15