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Information packages on legislative initiatives – LATI

The Library of Parliament’s professionals prepare information packages on selected legislative initiatives. We collect material that covers the period both before and during the parliamentary process. Our information packages include also news, comparative legal material, literature, research material and information about the opportunities for citizens to participate.

We add material to the information packages as long as the legislative initiative is pending. Once the act/acts have been enacted or the legislative drafting process has been ended for other reasons, we will no longer supplement the information package, but the packages will remain available on the website.

We publish information packages on legislative initiatives mainly in Finnish. Some information packages are also published in ​Swedish.

We try to select such legislative projects to be followed that interest the customers of the Library of Parliament most. You can propose us a legislative initiative for which you would like us to compile an information package.

More information about legal information collections and services is provided by Chief Information Specialist Erika Bergström, tel. +358 (0)9 432 3402,, tel. +358 (0)9 432 3432.

Information packages on legislative initiatives on the Finnish pages.