Parliament of Finland

Parliament enacts all legislation in Finland and approves the Budget. It also elects the Prime Minister, oversees the Government, ratifies international treaties and influences European Union matters.​​​​​​​​​​​​


Press releases

​​Parliamentary handling of the government report on changes in the security environment​​​

During the spring, Parliament will discuss the Government's report on change in the current security environment. More information about government report on changes in the security environment​.​​


The EU and the Eduskunta

Parliament of Finland plays a strong role in decision-making on EU matters, compared to many other member states. Parliament decides what position Finland should take in EU decision-making on matters that fall within Parliament's competence.​


Parliamentary elections in Finland 2 April 2023 (pdf)

Key figures and information about the parliamentary elections.



The special committees prepare Government bills, legislative initiatives, Government reports and other matters for handling in plenary session. ​

​Members of parliament

Parliament of Finland has two hundred members, elected for a term of four years. Members belong to parliamentary groups, of which there are currently eleven.

Plenary sessions

Parliament's most important task, enacting legislation, takes place in the plenary session. Parliament can enact legislation on the basis of a government proposal, a Member's motion or a citizens' initiative.


The committees prepare Government bills, legislative initiatives and other matters for the plenary session. Parliament has 15 committees and the Grand Committee, which focuses mainly on EU affairs.

International activities

MPs are also needed to represent Finland on the international scene. They regularly participate in the work of nine interparliamentary organisations.

Visiting the Parliament Building

You can visit the Parliament Building by booking a free guided tour. All plenary sessions are open for public to view from the gallery.

Library of Parliament

The Library is open to the public. It serves all who need parliamentary, legal, or social and political information.

Media in the parliament

Parliament of Finland strives to serve the media actively and to create good working conditions for the media.