Laura Huhtasaari

Current Member of Parliament

The Finns Party Parliamentary Group

Member of Parliament   22.04.2015–


09 432 3034



Term aborted:

02.07.2019 - 04.04.2023
Member of the European Parliament
Replaced by: Petri Huru

Profession / Title:

Master of Education, special needs teacher

Electoral district:

Electoral District of Satakunta 22.04.2015–

Present memberships in committees:

Grand Committee (First Vice Chair) 28.06.2023–, (member) 28.06.2023–
Working Subcommittee of the Grand Committee (First Vice Chair) 14.09.2023–, (member) 14.09.2023–
Agriculture and Forestry Committee (member) 19.04.2023–
Education and Culture Committee (member) 28.06.2023–
Supervisory Board for the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra (member) 28.06.2023–
The Finnish Delegation to the Asia - Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting (member) 28.06.2023–