Welcome to the Library and Archive of Parliament

The Library of Parliament is open to everyone. We serve not only the Finnish Parliament but also anyone in search of information about the Parliament, law and society. Every citizen has the right to access information held in public documents and records.

Contact us! Come and visit us or use our online services!

Most of the library material is available freely on loan and our basic services are free of charge. We provide professional, confidential services and training on information searching to all on an equal basis.

The Archive of Parliament is part of the Library of Parliament. The services of the Archive are also open to all.

Read more about come and visit us.

The Library is located at Aurorankatu 6, Helsinki. You can contact us by e-mail library@parliament.fi or phone us at +358 9 432 3423. ​​

Read more about customers.

The Library of Parliament and its services are available to everyone. We provide confidential and equal service to all its customers.

Read more about history.

The history of the Library of Parliament is a history of increasing transparency. Read more about the Library's past!

Read more about what we do?

We abide by strict ethical guidelines, by offering reliable services and protecting the privacy of our customers.

Read more about visit the Library of Parliament.

We welcome visitor groups and are happy to show the library facilities, collections and services.

Read more about staff.

Our expertise is at your service. The Library of Parliament is a specialist library for parliamentary information, law and social and political sciences.