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Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union

30.9. - 1.10.2019

Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union

The conference focuses on economic stability, coordination and governance in the EU as well as on deepening the Economic and Monetary Union.

The Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU (based on the Article 13 of the Fiscal Compact) brings together a large number of Members of Parliament from the member states and the European Parliament.

In line with the overall theme of the Finnish Presidency “From discussions to solutions”, the conference will focus both on macroeconomic and regulatory aspects as well as drivers of sustainable growth in the European economy. The first day of the conference will focus on growth and stability, deepening of the EMU and developing the European Semester. On the second day, the aim is to discuss concrete ways to foster investment, innovations and sustainable growth.


Day 1, Session 1

Day 1, Session 2

Day 2, Session 3

Day 2, Session 4

(Draft, 28.9.2019)​

Monday, 30 September

9.00 – 10.30 Registration at the conference venue (Marina Congress Center)

10.30 – 11.30 Meetings of the Political Groups 

11.30 – 13.00 Lunch at the Conference Venue

13.00 – 13.15 Opening Session

Welcome Address by Ms Tuula Haatainen, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament
Introductory remarks Mr Johannes Koskinen, Chair of the Finance Committee 

13.15 – 15.30 Session I: Economic Governance in the EMU: What next?

Chair of the session: Mr Johannes Koskinen, Chair of the Finance Committee

Mr Klaus Regling, Managing Director, European Stability Mechanism
Mr Marco Buti, Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
Mr Olli Rehn, Governor of the Bank of Finland 


Some framing questions: 

Concerning the next initiative to strengthen the governance and resilience of the EMU, which should the priorities be in the short and long term?
What is the role for an EU rule-based surveillance framework for fiscal, economic and social policies? How can the political ownership be strengthened?
What should the next steps be in building the banking union and the capital markets union? 
What is the role of European Parliament and national parliaments in the democratic control of the economic governance framework?
How can inter-parliamentary cooperation be improved?

15.30 – 16.00 Family photo and coffee break

16.00 – 17.45 Session II: Beyond the EU2020 Strategy for growth and jobs: new goals and indicators?

Chair of the session: Mr Johannes Koskinen, Chair of the Finance Committee

Mr Fabrice Murtin, Head of Well-Being and Household Conditions Section, OECD Statistics and Data Directorate
Mr Vesa Vihriälä, Professor of Practice, University of Helsinki
Mr Marcel Haag, Director for Jobs, Growth & Investment, SecretariatGeneral, European Commission 


Some framing questions:

What should be the core objectives of the next strategic agenda for growth and jobs in the EU?
What can we learn from the objectives, design and implementation of the EU2020 strategy?
Which core indicators should be included to measure progress?
Is there a need for some new indicators that better cover sustainable and inclusive growth?
What should be the role of stakeholders, such as regions, social partners and civil society, in defining any new strategy? 

Tuesday, 1 October

9.00 – 10.30 Session III: How to trigger public and private investments in the EU?

Chair of the session: Mr Juhana Vartiainen, Chair of the Commerce Committee

Ms Katri Kulmuni, Minister of the Economy
Mr Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President, European Commission Discussion
Ms Margarida Marques, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgets, European Parliament


Some framing questions:

Which policy areas should the EU focus on to increase private and public investments in the EU?
How can the 2019 country-specific recommendations be better integrated in national policy making?
Which measures should be taken to remove barriers to investments in the single market?
How could the action plan for sustainable finance and investments in the Capital Markets Union be advanced? 

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 

11.00 – 13.00 Session IV: How to support innovations for sustainable growth?

Chair of the session: Mr Juhana Vartiainen, Chair of the Commerce Committee

Mr Mika Anttonen, Chief Executive Officer, St1 Group
Mr Antero Vartia, Founder of the Compensate Foundation Discussion
Mr Jouni Keronen, Executive Manager, Climate Leadership Coalition 

Some framing questions: 

What key elements are needed to encourage investors towards more sustainable investments?
Is the EU innovation and research policy adequate to support sustainable growth?
What role can the private sector play and how can the public sector support their innovations? 

13.00 – 13.15 Closing remarks

Mr Juhana Vartiainen, Chair of the Commerce Committee

Marina Congress Center

Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki, Finland